Friday, April 1, 2016

The New Tesla for $35,000

Yahoofinance had an article about Tesla today.
First, their new Model 3 has received advanced reservations from buyers amounting to 150,000 vehicles.  This is praised by the press, and, of course, Tesla is "doing things differently" in all kinds of ways, including the method of ordering the cars without having to go through a dealer. 
The base price of the Model 3 is expected to be 35,000, but most are actually expected to cost between $55,000 and $60,000 with buyer upgrades, including a bigger battery pack to increase the driving range per "fillup."  The first Model 3s are expected to be delivered by late 2017. 
Then, as you read down to the end of the article, part of the "enthusiasm" for the Model 3 early orders is the $7500 federal tax credit for buying an electric car.  Oh.  I didn't know there was such a tax credit.  A tax credit is powerful.  If you figure an overall tax rate of about 20%, that means it would zero out all taxes on the next $37500 of gross income.
The tax credit is set to phase out when 200,000 electric vehicles have been sold.
So, is this really a free market system for selling Teslas ?  Or not ?  Is the car economically viable, or does it need to be propped up by subsidies that are paid for BY THE REST OF US, WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT ?
The answer is, they are not economically viable.  And Elon Musk is just continuing in his role as con-man non pareil.  He is different from most traditional con-men in that he uses "technology" and "the new" as his product.  He is a master-manipulator of a certain kind of personality-type.
Which brings us to the buyers.  Of course there is a certain percentage of people who are very taken in by what I would call "the CULT of the NEW."  They constantly fawn all over anything that is new, must buy it, and then this boosts their self-esteem because they can go to their friends and be admired because they are so "hip and now."  They show off their new purchase and feel so good about themselves.  But then, time passes, and they have to find something else "new" to go out and blow money on.  This process is repeated over and over, and becomes a lifetime habit.  What these people don't realize is that "the more things change, the more they stay the same."  And they also don't realize that with their worhip of the "new," they are only making horses asses out of themselves, and blowing a lot of money for nothing. 
Reminds me of the frenzy of car purchasers in 1957 - when the first "fins" appeared, and in 1958, 1959, and 1960, when the "fins" got bigger and bigger, and the chrome trim got progressively more massive.  But by about 1960, the "fin" thing had run its course.  No one really talked about "fins" any longer, and the auto industry had to look for some other trick to go out and market. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Alan Greenspan and Ronnie Raygun

From February, 2015

A couple of days ago, yahoofinance ran a little article about Alan Greenspan predicting that Greece would ultimately have to leave the euro.  He is 88 years old, and is still viewed by the public as a kind of financial wizard.
Greenspan was the most notable of the economists who was "set up" to be a mouthpiece for the "new" supply-side dogmas that the Reagan administration wanted to promote.
I am not a dog owner, but I am advised that the humane and modern way to train your dog is to reward behaviors you approve of, while ignoring those you don't.  Apparently this also works well among humans, as the super-rich used this same approach with Milton Friedman, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, et al.  Since 1981, they were all rewarded handsomely, while the old-school Keynsian economists were ignored.  Larry Summers was Chief Economic Advisor to both Bush II AND Obama.  That he was put in this position under Bush II is no surprise, but it was alarming that President Obama decided to keep him.  Recently, Obama was considering Summers to be Bernanke's replacement at the Fed, but mercifully, a few liberal Senators had had enough, and got the President to back down.
In 1981 Reagan moved to the White House.  He and his rich backers were irritated that their income taxes were too high, and they wanted to have the rates lowered.  This was either a cynically intellectualized process that would be appropriate for people who were poorly-socialized, or, it might have been (in the case of Reagan himself) just a knee-jerk reaction of a high-income individual who didn't really understand the bigger picture.  At any rate, Reagan became a true-believer in the necessity for lower income (and estate) tax rates for the rich.  In 1982, therefore, one of his first agenda items was to get Congress to lower the top marginal income tax rate from 70% to 50%.  In 1987, he finished the job, as Congress lowered the top marginal rate from 50% to 28%.  The US would now be, if not in perfect flat-tax territory, then at least in "near" flat-tax.  After letting this system run for 32 years, now we have a wealth distribution in the US that is similar to Haiti's - - most of the real money has sorted to the top, where it is locked up tight.  This trend was also happening around the world.  I have read recently that in 2015, the top 1% of the world's population will, for the first time, own 50% of the total wealth.  Of course, this situation is not sustainable.
To accomplish his tax goals, Reagan needed to persuade the public that it would be a good idea to lower income tax rates.  But they needed a "theory," and they needed "experts."  A few people had come up with the idea that letting the rich keep more of their income would somehow stimulate the broader economy, although there is - and was - no empirical data to support this claim.  Nevertheless, it was an appealing thought, and easy to package and sell.  For this, it is assumed that the rich are owners, and leaders and genius-entrepreneurs.  And, after all, they graciously consent to give us our jobs.  This is, however, all false logic.  The real motivation for lower tax rates is that most people simply resent having a % of their income taken away from them, and the rich tend to resent it most of all.
It is well-known that Alan Greenspan kept a copy of Ayn Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged" at his bedside for many years.  Rand's premise was that a few talented, enterprising people actually kept the whole economy running, and if they were constrained by the "group" (meaning, in practice, regulated and taxed by the government) in too heavy-handed a way, they might just simply drop out, and then the entire economic system would collapse.  So, we all needed to be afraid of that possibility.
This book - which should have been discarded, and was discarded by any really thoughtful person many years ago, remained at the top of Greenspan's reading list.  Probably this was because Greenspan himself was a kind of Walter Mitty personality,  being very timid himself, he needed something "powerful" to read, in order to live in vicariously in the rough and tumble of life.  Greenspan was an academician who put all his savings in Treasuries.  If you want to someday be Fed Chairman, this is not a bad idea, as it keeps any taint of conflict of interest at bay.  But it is the most risk-averse strategy you could possibly have with your money. 
So Greenspan, armed by Rand's bogus theories, was a perfect candidate for the rich to REWARD, while they ignored the old-line Keynsian economists.  His career skyrocketed, and he ultimately found himself at the center of the world's money supply.  Another of his ideas (along with Friedman) was that free, unregulated markets were so inherently "intelligent," that they were very stable, meaning that "bad behavior" in free markets would soon be corrected by losses accruing to those engaging in such.  However, even a quick read of economic history of the UK and the US during the Industrial Revolution should have made it crystal-clear that unregulated free markets are actually, by nature, HIGHLY UNSTABLE.  When they run unhindered, they are subject to vicious boom and bust cycles - which are fundamentally destructive to human activity. 
Look for the movie - if you can find it - "An Inside Job."  There is a segment within that makes it clear that the rich set about to reward / ignore in order to promote their bogus supply-side dogmas.  Actually, I shouldn't use the word "bogus" because there is ONE thing that supply-side does extremely well.  It causes wealth to sort to the top, and this happens very, very fast.  And that is exactly the point.
So Greenspan et al were hired by the Reagan (Bush, and, sadly, the Clinton) teams to turn the US economy into a vast experiment for supply-side.  Unfortunately, the 2008 Crash was the predictable result.  Greenspa - by now safely retired as Fed Chairman - was immediatley hauled before Congress and asked "what happened."  Right away, he said something like "Well, I suppose that the ideas that I based my whole career on turned out to be false."  In other words, supply-side was a destructive failure.  There was a gasp, and a hush, but Congress did practically nothing to reverse Reagan's policies.  Congress is still avid for free trade, flat tax, privatization, and deregulation - - the four foundation policies of this foolish dogma.  The underlying reason they did nothing is, of course, that the rich are still in control, and they don't want any changes back to the pre-1981 system.  Supply-side is still "king." 
At least Greenspan was honest.  And this kept him from ending his career in total ignominy.  So, he is still rattling around, and people still are in awe of him, for all the wrong reasons.
Nevertheless, nobody is wrong all the time, and lately he was at a conference in Europe, and commented that it was his view that Greece would inevitably have to leave the euro.  And that there was no way that they could ever control their current debt level.  It was surprising to me that he would stick his neck out so far on this topic.  However, I happen to agree, and have been saying so for months.  It is likely that Italy, Spain, and Portugal will also have to exit.  The logical euro-zone countries are France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia (if they want to be a part).  Southern Europe doesn't belong in a common currency with the North, because the South is resource-poor by comparison.  They will be at a continual disadvantage with the North, and, once united under a common currency, will continually be at lower employment levels.
But REWARDS are powerfully motivating.  And I think "arf" and "woof" are common parlance whether you happen to be an American, Asian, or European dog.

Greece and its downfall

The pitiful thing about Greece is that the correct solution for their current type of situation was well known in academic circles since 1935, but is still not being applied.
The reasons for this can only be:
1.  Unbelief on the part of legislators / government leaders.
2.  A desire to avoid the Keynsian system in order to promote fascism at the expense of socialism, and therefore to promote the interests of a certain "special elite."  This "special elite" would be the CEO-class of the Great Corporations, who feed off of the highly lucrative government contracts that their corporations are awarded by the government under a fascist system.
These are the only two reasons I can think of, both pitiful.
The economic aspect of fascism is perfected when the government sees no need to make the Great Corporations go through a tiresome competitive bidding process to obtain the contract, in other words, they are "pre-selected."  The "pre-selection" takes place via massive lobbying expenses and campaign contributions undertaken by the Great Corporations, and also by having "moles" on the inside.  The "moles" situation is also described as "The Revolving Door," wherein you have high government officials (particularly Fed and Treasury) who also, during part of their career, work for big banks or investment banks.  The best way to justify a non-competitive bidding process to an unsuspecting public is to be in a state of "national emergency."  If the fascist leaders are really evil, they will go out of their way to actually create the "national emergency."  ("You get the photos, I'll make the war."  W R Hearst, 1898.)  Perfecting fascism also requires that the labor rates of workers be driven down to a very low level, and that all their perks and protections be eliminated, because these reduce the profits of the owner-class.  In recent times, this has been accomplished by shipping the jobs to China, by promoting the "virtues" of "free trade" to the unsuspecting public.  Ideally, the labor rates would actually be zero, as Hitler was able to accomplish by just importing slave laborers from conquered countries, and working them to death. 
Justifying "free trade" is also helped by constant use of the word "globalization," to the point that is now has near-religious significance.  Actually "globalization" has good and bad aspects, but the bad side is downplayed or silenced.  

Socialism versus Fascism

A cornerstone of US foreign policy since 1945 has been to undermine and ultimately destroy socialist governments all over the world, even if legitimately elected.  This was true in Iran in 1946, Guatemala in 1954, and Chile in 1971. 
So, it is not surprising that this is also the German goal.  Germany dearly hates having a socialist government in power in Greece, and they are trying to destroy it.  The easiest way is by tightening the economic / bailout noose until Greece capitulates, throws out Syriza, and comes to its senses with a new right-wing fascist government.  The most convenient form now, because of the desperation, will be a military dictatorship.  If the Greeks persist by supporting a socialist government, then they will just be thrown into debtors' prison, where they can rot.  However, the Germans must be careful - if the Greek people get even more frustrated and desperate, they just may elect a (gasp) Communist government in order to fight back.  (If you are a bankrupt Greek voter, and you have to choose between military dictatorship or Communism, what is the better choice?  Seems like a tossup.)  If this happens, Germany and the West, generally, will only be getting just what it deserves.   
Very clever, but typical cards that fascist governments play against socialist governments.  Of course, more primitive fascist governments also may assassinate the leader, so that the public will clamor for "security," but this technique, today, would probably be too obvious.   
Why the bitter fight?  Well, socialist governments tend to limit the wealth and after-tax income of that small elite at the top.  Basically, it's that simple.

George Prescott Bush

You are not part of a superior bloodline.  Neither am I.

I just checked the biography of Prescott Bush on wikipedia, and the
Nazi-industrialist connections are mentioned there.  So I guess this
information is making it onto the mainstream media.  It's about time.

Amazing how easy it is to fool Americans.  Bush I = 12 years in power; Bush
II = 8 years in power.  Now Jeb wants MORE.  An incredible family, isn't it?
Their arrogance and vanity are breathtaking.

Wikipedia also confirms that in 1917, after being inducted into Skull and Bones, Prescott Bush and 4 other bonesmen were in Ft Sill Oklahoma, and dug up the grave of Geronimo, bringing the skull and other bones back to Skull and Bones headquarters in New Haven, Connecticutt.  Much later, native American groups have tried to have the bones returned, without success.  Apparently this action on Prescott's part was due to Geronimo's having taking 30 white scalps in his lifetime, or something like that.

August 25, 2015 The End is Near

Japan down  another  2.7%
China down  another  6.0% !!!!!!!
HOLY CRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This could be IT. 
Have been watching the markets.  The fall is stunning !!
Always wonderful when Wall Street and Corporate America disappoint.  When will Americans understand what a ripoff Wall Street is.
For your bedtime reading (when you have time, that is), take a look at the wikipedia article on "Richard Whitney" - financier.  Let me know what you think.  
Also take a look at wikipedia + "Prescott Bush."
Also google "George Bush - the Unauthorized Biography."  Chapter 2 and chapter 21 are interesting.

Global Warming

Have been reading up a little about the Sun. 
The experts currently think it has existed for about 4.6 billion years.  And its size, shape, luminosity, light emission, and other characteristics have been very constant for most of that time.
They expect the Sun to last in a burning phase for over 5 billion more years, so it is about halfway through its life as a functioning, normal star. 
However, in about 5 billion years, the Sun will likely expand into its red-giant phase, and will engulf Mercury and Venus.  It will come close to engulfing the Earth, or may engulf it, but this won't matter because everything will be fried, all the water and atmosphere stripped away, etc etc.
Although it will take a long time for the expanding radius of the Sun to become a problem for Earth, in about 500 million years, the luminosity will be increased, and this is a big problem, because it will cause Earth's temperature to go up enough that all life will be killed, and a lot of the water will be gone.  In other words, the Sun will begin burning progressively brighter (for a young Earth it was not as bright), and therefore the extra photons of light will heat things up on Earth. 
So, from a "life" standpoint, the Sun is about 90% already used up, maybe even 95% used up. 
This is sortof like when we were kids in school, and they had classes with 55-minute periods.  We would watch the clock, and when 45 minutes of the period was gone, our minds would wander, because there wasn't enough time to get anything useful done anyway.  So that's where we already are - well into that time where nothing will get done.
Cool, huh?